Say Goodbye Double Chin

McMinnville, Oregon

Double Chin Reduction


KYBELLA® (deoxycholic acid) is an FDA-approved injectable drug for contouring moderate to severe submental fullness, a condition that is commonly referred to as a double chin.

The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, and in aesthetic medicine, it is used to metabolize unwanted subcutaneous fat. When your KYBELLA®-trained injector injects into the fat beneath the trouble area, KYBELLA® destroys fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness. Because we are born with a fixed number of fat cells and do not make or destroy them naturally, the cells do not regenerate in the area that was injected.


KYBELLA® Precare

Before receiving KYBELLA®, you should talk to your aesthetician/healthcare provider about any of the following conditions you may have:

  • Previous surgery on yoru face, neck, or chin
  • Previous cosmetic treatments on your face, neck, or chin
  • Medical conditions in or near the neck area
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Bleeding problems
  • Pregnancy or currently breastfeeding

KYBELLA® Postcare

  • Do not touch, rub, massage or manipulate the area of treatment
  • Apply ice to the treated area over the next 24 hours. Apply an icepack to the treated area for 20 minutes, then remove for 20 minutes.
  • If needed, take acetaminophen and/or a pain reliever to decrease discomfort
  • Sleep on your back with your head slightly elevated for the next 3-5 days
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water


  • Vigorous exercise, sun and heat exposure for at least 3-5 days after treatment
  • Aspirin, Motring, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamins A and E, or any essential fatty acids for up to a week post-treatment
  • Cosmetic treatments to the Kybella treated area, such as injectables, laser, peels, facials and micro-dermabrasion

Am I A Good Candidate For KYBELLA®?

Adults over the age of 21 who are medically healthy and are not allergic to the active ingredients in the formula of this treatment are generally ideal candidates. This treatment is ideal for those who have a moderate amount of unwanted fat beneath the chin, particularly those who have not had success getting rid of this fat with traditional means. dditionally, candidates for this treatment should not currently be pregnant or breastfeeding.

Who Is Not A Good Candidate For KYBELLA®

KYBELLA® is not for everyone. If you have the appearance submental fullness due to the following conditions, you probably aren’t a good candidate:

  • Microgenia
  • Neck muscle conditions
  • Low skin elasticity

Give us a call for more information, or schedule a complimentary consultation and we’ll evaluate your eligibility for KYBELLA®.

How Long Do The Results Last With KYBELLA® Treatments?

The results of KYBELLA® are long-lasting, as treated fat cells cannot regenerate. However, all of the fat cells aren’t destroyed in any given area of treatment, only most of them. Where there are existing fat cells, there is the possiblity of developing another double chin.

To reduce the chance of having your double chin come back, you should manage your weight and make good lifestyle choices that limit the possibility of excess dietary fat being stored in the remaining fat cells.

Consultations Available